
The Safe Haven Children Home

Our main focus is to create an environment where the children can feel safe and loved. We show them that they are no longer on their own, but are part of a family. Through constant visits of the patron and founder Reverend John Sagoe (and occasional visits of his wife, Lady Sandra Sagoe,) the children are able to connect to a father and mother figure. At the same time there is a family who is taking care of the affairs in the home together with employed and volunteer workers.

Sponsors and volunteers also travel to Ghana from Switzerland on mission trips at least once a year, and this creates a bond between the children and their sponsors, giving them a sense of belonging, and therefore some kind of security.

We focus on teaching the children biblical values that they need for everyday living, and on creating a stable environment and a healthy lifestyle for them.

We aim at producing God-fearing law-abiding citizens, who as adults will be responsible and respectable members of their communities, and being able to earn a living through the education we get them through our school project nearby.


What we do

We aim at taking in those street children and bringing them up to be responsible law-abiding citizens, whose impact will be seen and felt in the communities in which they will eventually be living as adults.

Providing a safe and stable environment free from violence and abuse for these children is our utmost priority. Not only are we providing shelter for them, but we also are giving them a home where they feel safe and loved. The children are catered for by trained staff, who oversee the smooth day-to-day affairs of the home. These include their physical needs such as hygiene and nourishment, their intellectual needs and education and most importantly their spiritual and emotional needs.

We believe that as important as their physical well-being is, they should be brought up in the fear of the Lord. We want to introduce these young ones to the "Giver of Life" himself, so that they will not only have life but have it in the abundance of the Lord. Christ Jesus said ''I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly''! It is therefore of paramount importance that the children are taught to live a Christ-like life and look to Heaven as their final home. They are taught the basics of Christian living like praying in the morning when they wake up and at night before going to bed, prayer before every meal, helping and assisting one another, showing love to one another, and being obedient.




Not only do the street children have to spend their time in a dangerous environment without support, supervision or protection, but they are deprived of their right to an education. They are denied the opportunity to build a life or career for themselves and so the cycle continues. They are denied hope.

Due to a lack of hygiene, diseases can spread easily. A lack of education and being laid bare to violence oftentimes cause unwanted pregnancies. Children, who are born to a life on the streets face a very uncertain future.

Society does not have a place for them and the government barely provides any sort of support for them.

The high unemployment rate in Northern Ghana and employers preferring children, who are cheaper and easier to exploit than adults often means that some individuals and organisations take advantage of the "abandoned" street children and make them work to collect all the money they earn day by day.

There is a terrible stigma attached to being a "street" child. They are subject to abuse, seen as worthless and called names such as “criminals” and "market vultures". They have no chance of breaking out of that cycle.



Ghana, which stands for ''Warrior King'', has a population of over 25 million inhabitants. It's capital city is called "Accra" and English is it's official language.

It is estimated that between 30'000 - 50'000 children live on the streets of Accra alone. These children have gone through one tragic experience or the other such as the death of their parents, abandonment by one parent or other family members, violence and abuse, poverty or simply running away to the big city in hope of a better life and future.

The street chidren survive their fate by doing things like cleaning the streets and markets, helping weak and disabled people, collecting and sorting out rubbish, carrying goods across the market, begging and most unfortunately getting involved in petty crimes such as pick-pocketting and stealing food.

Many of them are sexually abused night after night when trying to find a place to sleep. The situation is getting worse by the day.



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